You can only image unless you make the move to take control of your credit. What could you accomplish with top notch credit? Maybe double sales or buy a home or land an American Express Platinum account.
These are all small attainable goals.
If you begin to take credit seriously you can build extensive wealth. Having excellent personal and business credit profiles is better than cash. The sophistication of modern technology has made it possible for lenders and providers to approve you for high-limit account within hours.
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Join the 700 Business Club
Our credit building partner has successfully assisted hundreds of small business owners with building personal credit scores of 700+. They have gone to access high-limit business credit cards, business credit lines, SBA loans, and other working capital tools. Many have begun to invest in real estate. A true wealth builder.
Some recent success:
- Home Care receives $155,250 in Business Credit Card. $200,000 Business Credit Line.
- Online Clothing Store receives $75,000 term loan.
- Business owner of Texas service firm raises personal credit score from 543 to 696 in three months.
- Real estate investor approved for $980,000 rental property loan.
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Do you have good credit
A credit score is a number that can help creditors understand credit risk. It also helps consumers get a better understanding of their overall credit health.
Credit scores are calculated by credit scoring models. These scoring models are trained to analyze a consumer’s credit report from one of the three consumer credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion or Equifax).
Many credit scores range from 300 to 850, and a higher score is better because it indicates a person is less likely to fall behind on bill payments. However, a score doesn’t consistently correlate with a specific likelihood of missing a payment. Instead, credit scores are a ranking system that tries to list consumers from most to least risky.
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What About Business Credit? Does it Help?
You Bet It Does!
Business Credit is credit scoring regarding a business entity. The scoring is entirely based on the business, its performance, and how well the business pays its bills. The best way to add business financing that is not tied to the personal credit of the owners is by developing excellent business credit.
Some of the top business bureaus:
- Dun & Bradstreet
- Equifax Small Business
- Moody’s Analytics
- Experian Business
Our partners have perfected a process that assist small businesses with developing high ratings with these top bureaus. The floodgates open to net terms, fintech financing, business credit lines and more.